2017's First Criterium - Crazy Crit Jakarta
Posted by Bryan Cockrell on
How many cities can say they have a regular monthly criterium with categories just for women, different skill levels, and even fixed gear bikes? Well in Jakarta we have a group of dedicated and passionate gear heads that are willing to dedicate their time and energy to making Crazy Crity a monthly event. This past Saturday we kicked in the door to 2017 with our first crit of the year, so now you may officially switch your calendars over.....enjoy the pics.
Calm before the storm
A good showing by PGN's youth team gave the 'older' riders a run for their money....
It takes a great deal of effort to make it look effortless.....
The 'usual suspects'......
The female riders......there are 15 million people living in the greater Jakarta area. Come on ladies! Represent! Next month let's see more of y'all.
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