It’s been a while since we did any events in 2018 so we decided to tap into our network of 2-wheeled enthusiasts and plan a few rides around Asia. Besides having the opportunity to connect with and meet our customers face-to-face, this is also an adventure into seeing how different cultures ride. Our first stop for our 2018 TP-Ride series is Manila, Philippines. 
Manila has the dubious fame of being the most densely populated city in the world, beating out some other metropolitan hotbeds of human activity such as Mumbai and Dhaka, who’d a thunk it. With that in mind, we weren’t sure how the local cycling community would respond to an invitation to get out on the streets early Sunday morning and battle it out with the local jeepneys for road space.

Thanks to our hosts @thebrickmultisportstore and @manilacoffeecyclingclub for reaching out to the local community and gathering an eclectic but 100% enthusiastic and dedicated group of riders. Attendees ran the gamut from carbon race bikes that would fit right in at the tour, to 29’er mountain bikes, a steel randonneuse (@theaccidentalrandonneur), and vintage race bikes salvaged from an estate sale (brake early!). It was impressive to see our United Nations of bikes wind their way around the streets of Manila to take in the various historical sites peppered throughout the old city proper. If you can get over the traffic Manila has some wonderful areas to see an experience.
Our route had us start from the Brick Multisport Store in McKinley Hills, head out towards the ocean via Buendia Ave, follow Roxas Boulevard along the water passing Malate (check this place out at night!), a quick stop at Rizal Park for the obligatory photo session, a quick turn-around at the Postal Museum (photo please!), through Binondo (one of the oldest China Town’s in the world, apparently) past the Quirino Grand Stands (history has been made here), a quick but heart busting sprint down Ayala (I don’t know who started it), to end at Toby’s Estate Coffee next to the Shang in Fort Bonifacio. All in all, a city-ride true to the name, but steeped in history and camaraderie across various disciplines of cycling.

If you couldn’t join the ride check out the pics and access the gallery here. If you would like to know about upcoming events join our mailing list or follow our IG You can also check out @theaccidentalrandonneur blog on his nice wording on our ride.
Stay tuned for the next edition of TP-Ride when we head to Jakarta, the birth-place of Temple Project. Happy riding.